Dependent Tuition Waiver Program (DTWP) Guidelines

Dependent Tuition Waiver Program (DTWP) Guidelines for AFT Professional Staff, CWA, IFPTE, PBA, NJSOLEA, NJLESA and Non-Unit Staff.

I. Purpose

The Dependent Tuition Waiver Program (DTWP) is available to dependent children of full and part-time AFT professional staff, CWA, IFPTE, PBA, NJLESA, NJSOLEA, Confidential Staff Members, and non-unit staff at the College of New Jersey. The Dependent Tuition Waiver Program covers tuition and is a program intended to support the College’s mission by providing an additional incentive of recruiting and retaining qualified employees.

II. Program Description

The DTWP provides full or partial tuition remission to eligible children during their matriculated undergraduate enrollment at The College of New Jersey.

Tuition waivers shall be available to eligible applicants for up to thirty-four (34) course units across nine (9) semesters toward the dependent children’s first baccalaureate degree (Note: All course units taken during a given summer will count as a half-semester; exceptions shall be granted to dependents enrolled in undergraduate programs requiring more than thirty-four (34) course units for graduation).

Transfer students shall be eligible for tuition waivers for the balance of course units required to complete their first baccalaureate degree.

III. Eligibility Criteria

A. Criteria for Employees

  • Full-time and part-time (FT/PT) employees in covered job categories who have worked at The College of New Jersey for a minimum of six (6) months in good standing shall be eligible for tuition waivers for dependent children matriculated at The College of New Jersey. The percentage of tuition waiver for eligible dependent children of full-time and part-time employees shall be proportionate to the parent’s or guardian’s full-time equivalency (FTE) based on the current year’s contract.
  • Faculty who obtained tenure at other colleges or universities prior to being employed at The College of New Jersey shall be eligible for tuition waivers for dependent children upon their effective dates of hire.
  • Non-unit staff that have held a senior administrative position at other colleges, universities, or other similar entities for a minimum of ten years prior to being employed at The College of New Jersey, shall be eligible for tuition waivers for dependent children upon their effective dates of hire.
  • To maintain eligibility in the DTWP, the employee must maintain her/his employment during the period of the dependent child’s undergraduate enrollment. In the event an employee with a dependent participating in this DTWP is no longer employed at TCNJ, the following practices shall be followed:

a) Retirement – Employees who retire from TCNJ after twenty-five (25) or more years of service shall maintain eligibility for this program. In instances where an employee retires from the college prior to being employed for twenty-five (25) years, her/his child’s eligibility for tuition waiver shall discontinue at the end of the current semester. If the parent or guardian becomes an employee of TCNJ again, a dependent previously in the DTWP program shall immediately be re-enrolled in the program

b) Death or Disability – In the event of a death or long-term disability of an employee with a dependent child in the DTWP, the student shall remain in the program as long as the student remains in good academic standing.

c) All Other Separations – In instances where an employee separates from the college or is no longer in an employment category eligible for dependent tuition waiver participation, her/his dependent’s eligibility for tuition waiver shall discontinue at the end of the current semester.

B. Criteria for Dependent Children

Biological or legally adopted children, stepchildren and legal wards of regular employees who meet the criteria specified above shall be eligible for tuition waivers under this program provided the child:

  • Does not exceed twenty-three (23) years of age prior to the beginning of the semester for which the waiver is requested, and either resides with or normally, on average, receives at least fifty percent (50%) of her/his financial support from the employee, during the time she/he is enrolled as a student at the College or provides the amount of financial support as mandated by a divorce decree or other legal document.

The college reserves the right to grant exceptions to the dependency criteria stipulated in this item in instances where extraordinary circumstances exist, and where appropriate** , will notify the Union of any exceptions granted.

  • Meets the College’s academic general admission standards for regular or pathways admission. Any student who is placed on the “wait list” through the College’s normal admission review process shall be admitted to the College and be included in this program if they otherwise qualify.
  • Matriculates as an undergraduate student at The College of New Jersey.
  • Remains in good academic standing (not on academic probation) during the time she/he participates in the DTWP. If she/he is not in good academic standing and no longer eligible for the DTWP, she/he will be readmitted to the DTWP program immediately upon regaining acceptable academic standing.
  • Continues to make good progress toward graduation. Normally, students are expected to complete eight (8) course units a year to graduate in four (4) years. To remain eligible for DTWP, students must complete at least six (6) course units before the beginning of year two (2), thirteen (13) credits before the beginning of year three (3), and twenty-one (21) course units before the beginning of year four (4). Transfer students must complete at least seven (7) course units by the end of their first two (2) semesters at TCNJ, and four (4) course units per semester after that.
  • Otherwise, eligible dependent children who are enrolled at TCNJ at the time this program is implemented shall be covered by it.

**Applies to AFT and CWA unit members only

The Dependent Tuition Waiver Program (DTWP) is available to dependent children of full and part-time AFT professional staff, CWA, IFPTE, PBA, NJLESA, NJSOLEA, Confidential Staff Members, and non-unit staff at the College of New Jersey. The Dependent Tuition Waiver Program covers tuition and is a program intended to support the College’s mission by providing an additional incentive of recruiting and retaining qualified employees.

IV. Application Procedures

A. Application Procedures for Dependent Children

  • Eligible dependent children must complete and submit a standard admissions application by the deadlines specified on the application form. Applicants are to follow the instructions detailed on the application form for General Freshmen Admissions, Early Decision, Educational Opportunity Fund or Transfer candidates.
  • Each applicant must submit a written request to her/his guidance counselor to have an official high school transcript, SAT scores and supportive documentation issued to the Office of Admissions by the posted deadlines.
  • All application materials are to be sent to:

Office of Admissions
Application Processing
The College of New Jersey
P.O. Box 7718
Ewing, NJ 08628-0718

The student must complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aide (FAFSA) by the specified deadlines and include the TCNJ code #002642. (Copies of the FAFSA may be obtained from the child’s guidance counselor, the college’s Office of Student Financial Assistance, or via the internet at )

B. Application Procedures for Eligible Employees

  • Concurrent with the dependent child’s application to TCNJ, the employee must complete and submit a Tuition Waiver for Dependent Child Application Form to the Office of Human Resources with the final approval determined by the Office of Student Accounts.

Falsification of information contained in any of the documents referenced above shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action.

  • The employee must provide acceptable documentation verifying that the child is her/his biological or adopted child, stepchild, or legal ward as specified below:
  • Biological Child: Acceptable documentation for a biological child shall include a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate indicating that the employee is the mother or father of the child. A certified copy is one which displays the raised seal of an official agency. Photocopies of certified birth certificates shall not be accepted. Birth certificates written in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified translation in English. If a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate cannot be obtained, the employee must provide a written explanation as to the reason and must submit other documentary evidence of the parent-child relationship acceptable to the college.
  • Adopted Child: Acceptable documentation for an adopted child shall include a certified copy of the child’s court-modified birth certificate indicating that the employee is the child’s adoptive parent. A certified copy is one which displays the raised seal of an official agency. Photocopies of certified birth certificates shall not be accepted. Birth certificates written in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified translation in English.
  • Stepchild: Acceptable documentation for a stepchild shall include a certified copy of a marriage certificate documenting the employee’s marriage to the child’s parent, and a certified copy of the child’s birth certificate indicating that the employee’s spouse is the child’s parent.
  • Legal Ward: Acceptable documentation of a guardian relationship shall include a certified copy of a court order indicating that the employee is the child’s court-appointed legal guardian. Execution of papers granting Power of Attorney and awards of temporary custody to a non-parent shall not constitute acceptable verification. The college reserves the right to accept alternate proof of dependency in instances where extraordinary circumstances exist. If necessary, the Union will be notified in any such instances.
  • The employee must submit a copy of her/his three (3) most recent federal income tax forms verifying that the child was claimed as a dependent, or, in instances where the child does not reside with the employee due to divorce or separation, the employee must annually submit certified court documentation or other appropriate legal documentation verifying that the child normally receives, on average, at least fifty percent (50%) of her/his financial support from the employee.
  • After all the required materials are submitted and certified by the Office of Human Resources, the applicant’s name will be forwarded to the Dean of Admissions. The Dean is responsible for reviewing the admission application of any DTWP applicant prior to final action being taken.
  • The employee must annually submit the completed FAFSA form and copies of her/his federal income tax forms showing that the child is being claimed as a dependent during her/his enrollment at the College.

V. Calculation of Tuition Waiver Award

A. The amount of tuition waiver awarded to each eligible applicant shall equal the amount of tuition that is not covered by federal, state, or county grant and/or public and private scholarship sources.

B. Educational loans shall not be included in the above-referenced calculations.

*Does not apply to AFT adjunct faculty